A private sponsor (e.g., New Balance with Femke Bol) may post one greeting, thank you, or good luck message to the athlete on social media. Private sponsors can also repost an athlete’s message once.
No Olympic symbols, Olympic images, or links to the sponsor’s products are allowed. It’s best to use a neutral image and avoid linking to the Olympic Games.
For all other companies, in principle, virtually nothing is allowed but it is up to the national department of the IOC in that country whether it takes action. Again, the usual do’s and dont’s apply:
Do not use:
– city names where sports take place in combination with the year
– Olympic symbols (not the 5 rings, the flame/ torch, logos of the IOC)
– images of the athletes/ competition photos/ venues
What is allowed:
– general images of an athlete (not an Olympic athlete)
– in neutral sportswear (e.g. orange sportswear – the Netherlands)
– in a neutral place (ordinary sports hall/ running through a park)
– avoid link with Olympics.