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Trademark news

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After acquiring Bureau Blanchard, trademark agency Abcor took over Anchor IP's client portfolio last summer. The acquisition was expected because Abcor has indicated that it wants to grow not only through natural growth but also through active acquisitions.
At Christmas 2020, M&S introduced a new line of gin bottles. When shaken, edible gold flakes fall like snow. The bottle has an LED at the bottom to enhance the visibility of the falling gold flakes. M&S immediately registered the design of the bottle, including both the falling flakes and the LED lighting.
Trademark rights grant monopoly over the use of a name for specific goods and services. However, only one entity can use that name, which can be exploited but also has limits.
From a marketing perspective, it is attractive to use a word for a new brand that directly conveys its essence. With such a descriptive mark, consumers immediately understand what the product represents. However, the drawback is that authorities refuse a trademark if it is descriptive. Sometimes, it is possible to register such a mark, but how reliable is this in case of infringement?
The IOC has registered many of its Olympic symbols as trademarks or designs. In addition, there are often local laws to prevent any kind of Ambush marketing. Only the official sponsors are allowed to use the Olympic symbols (like the words OLYMPIC or the 5 rings). So basically, all signs referring to the Olympics are forbidden to use, regardless of whether they are registered. The same rules apply to posts on social media. Private sponsors may congratulate athletes only if it aligns with Rule 40.
Run on Nitro

PUMA has been granted a license to use the EU trademark NITRO (applied for in 1997) for running shoes. In 2021, the NITRO running shoe line was launched. One of its unique selling points is that the shoe's midsole is injected with nitrogen. This technique is also used by other brands, including Brooks, who is the market leader in this segment.

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Among others in this issue:
• EUIPO vs Mora TV: weigering geluidsmerk
• Jägermeister vs Alte Heiler: stop Russische copycat
• Stichting Nederlandse Top 40: gericht op Benelux?
• Tijdschrift HART vs Hermitage: soortgelijkheid
• Monique Granneman: nieuwe partner Abcor