About Patents


Patent protection is a right which allows the patentee to prohibit another from producing, using, selling, reselling, offer to introduce or to have in stock his patented invention.

The patented invention generally relates refers to innovations of a ‘technical’ nature. The term of a patent is a maximum of twenty years from the filing date. What exactly can and cannot be patented depends on local laws. Thus, in the United States it possible to patent software in Europe this is less likely. In the United States, for example therapeutic interventions are patentable, in Europe this is not the case.

A patent is granted (e.g. by the European Patent Office and the US Patent and Trademark Office) for inventions that are new and inventive. The novelty requirement is satisfied when all the elements of the invention are not revealed in a stand-alone publication or presentation. Sales of a product can also be harmful novelty which later patent is no longer possible.

Always file, therefore (in at least one country), a first patent application in order to obtain a “first date ‘. Then, the invention can be publicized, for example, by test samples to send to customers or via a presentation at a conference. Within twelve months after the first submission a subsequent filing in other countries (continued) may be submitted as well so the product will be protected. By then the ‘first date’ of the original filing prevents any publication from being harmful to the patentability in these other countries.

Abcor works with an independent network of professionals to submit applications more efficient and at an affordable rate. This applies not only to new applications, but also for the renewals. Our totally different method and a strategic partnership with a renewal office, allows us to offer renewals at much lower costs than is customary.

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Value of a weak patent

The value of a patent does not necessarily have to be directly related to the strength of the patent right. I will try to explain this. A patent is a

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How much does a patent cost?

For start-ups with a technical and innovative product, applying for a patent may be a requirement to successfully attract investors. However, filing a patent application can be an expensive undertaking,

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Among others in this issue:
• EUIPO vs Mora TV: weigering geluidsmerk
• Jägermeister vs Alte Heiler: stop Russische copycat
• Stichting Nederlandse Top 40: gericht op Benelux?
• Tijdschrift HART vs Hermitage: soortgelijkheid
• Monique Granneman: nieuwe partner Abcor

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