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Trademark registration

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Chocomel Yellow and T-Mobile Pink

A trademark isn’t limited to just words or logos. Other elements—such as colours, shapes, sounds, or even videos—can also function as trademarks. But is a colour trademark always effective at

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False Hope for Descriptive Marks

From a marketing perspective, it is attractive to use a word for a new brand that directly conveys its essence. With such a descriptive mark, consumers immediately understand what the

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About Trademark registration

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Among others in this issue:
• EUIPO vs Mora TV: weigering geluidsmerk
• Jägermeister vs Alte Heiler: stop Russische copycat
• Stichting Nederlandse Top 40: gericht op Benelux?
• Tijdschrift HART vs Hermitage: soortgelijkheid
• Monique Granneman: nieuwe partner Abcor

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