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MK Michael Kors – cancellation similar trademark

MK Michael Kors - cancellation similar trademark

Companies sometimes think they are safe once their trademark is registered and that possible older similar marks can then no longer be a problem. This is not correct. Sometimes a company does not know that a similar mark is registered and only commences an action when confronted with it. Even then, all rights can be asserted. This used to be possible only through the courts, now it is also possible in a simple cancellation procedure with the trademark authorities.


Michael Kors starts a cancellation against the Union trademark logo MK. The logo consists of the white capital letters MK, positioned large and centrally in a circle with black background. At the bottom it states ‘marktomi marktomi’ in small letters. Michael Kors has a similar logo, with black letters in a circle with a white background and at the bottom the words Michael Kors. The words at the bottom are clearly different and is this sufficient?

No, the Court rules. The letters MK are substantial. They are in the middle of a white/black circle. The letters are the eye-catcher and thus the dominant part. Visually, the marks are similar. Phonetically too, as most will pronounce the marks as MK. The differences between the words at the bottom are too little to neutralize this. The mark will be cancelled.

Avoid this kind of problem by researching the availability of a trademark beforehand.

About Abcor

Abcor specializes in applying for trademark and design rights. We do this worldwide for both SMEs and international companies, but often everything starts with an initial Benelux application. Our aim is to relieve the client of all the worries, which is why we take care of all the steps, from initial advice on what to apply for and how, right through to registration.

In addition to applying for trademarks, we also manage portfolios for our clients. We ensure that trademarks are renewed on time, that the right organizations are paid (given the many fraudulent companies), and we support our clients on issues.

In addition, we are sparring partners for our customers on new products and how to shape and claim new ideas.

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