Heks’nkaas (literally translated: witches cheese) is very popular in the Netherlands and is registered as a trademark for cheese, cheese based sauces and spices. When the trademark Witte Wievenkaas is being applied for to distinguish cheese smears Heks’nkaas opposes.
In first instance the complaint is denied, but the court decides differently. According to the court, witches are female and magical creatures that frighten and usually live isolated. They possess magical powers, which are used for evil purposes. Witte Wieven (women with white hair) are witches as well, according to the court, so conceptually the trademarks are strongly similar. Therefore the trademark Witte Wieven is cancelled from the register. A pity tough, that the court has not taken into account the fact that Heks’nkaas is a well known trademark. The decision would have made a lot more sence.