Abcor is that other trademark agency

Abcor is a full service design and trademark agency specialized in legal advice and the protection of Intellectual Property rights. We are a strategic partner and provide short, clear-cut and practical advice.

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Joint-Smoking Mermaid and Starbucks

Parodies of well-known brands pop up regularly. When these cases escalate, the defence often centres around freedom of expression or the idea that it’s a legitimate parody. However, European trademark

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A trademark isn’t limited to just words or logos. Other elements—such as colours, shapes, sounds, or even videos—can also function as trademarks. But is a colour trademark always effective at

"Many entrepreneurs sit atop a treasury without realizing it themselves."

Mr. Th W. van Leeuwen Partner Trademark agency Abcor

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Infringement or no infringement?

In 2018, the plaintiff launches a new company under the name Mobility Next and Both trade names are duly registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK). Additionally, on September 20, 2018, the domain name is also secured. Located in Houten, the company offers used cars with the quality of new ones, primarily mid-range cars, manufactured between 2018 and 2022. On March 5, 2021, the new website is launched, where the company also presents itself under the name MRCar. However, this name is not officially registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce. On May 10, 2021, the defendant registers the domain name and registers the trade name with the Chamber of Commerce as well. This company, located in Berlicum, also deals in used cars, albeit with model years between 2005 and the late 90s, with prices ranging from 500 to 10,000 euros. The plaintiff argues that the defendant's use of the name MRCARS infringes upon its older trade name MRCar. The demand is: the defendant must cease all use of the name MRCARS within four weeks. Not only must the trade name be changed, but also the website, letterhead, advertising, business cards, etc. Additionally, the defendant must bear all legal costs. The defendant disputes this and argues that the plaintiff has no trade name rights to the name MRCar since it is not registered with the Chamber of Commerce.

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Tallon Griekspoor is een Nederlandse top tennisser. Tallon debuteerde in 2019 voor Nederland in de Davis Cup. In 2023 won hij zijn eerste ATP titel. Speelt onder andere in de Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, US Open en diverse ATP master t

Tallon Griekspoor

Why Abcor?

We do not only look at the legal side of a case, but also take into account other business aspects such as marketing , social media, the consequences of product launches and of course the costs. We like to think and work out of the box with our client.

A vast majority of our lawyers are Certified European Trademark Attorneys. In the past, they have been working as in-house lawyers in corporate firms, including in advertising, consumer fast moving products and the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore their approach is often business oriented, practical and easy for our clients to understand.

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Newsletter: Abcor ABC Magazine

Among others in this issue:

  • EUIPO vs. Mora TV: refusal of sound mark
  • Jägermeister vs. Alte Heiler: stop Russian copycat
  • Dutch Top 40 Foundation: focused on Benelux?
  • Magazine HART vs. Hermitage: similarity
  • Monique Granneman: new partner Abcor

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