It was claimed that the commercial is contrary to good taste and decency. On the picture, you can see a dark skinned woman, wearing a topless corset and two miniscule men (in suits) sliding of her breasts. Complainants call this image “simply disgusting”, “racist” and “sexist”, claiming that it teaches children that the woman is an inferior sexual object.
Well, the Netherlands is not a very strict country, so Suit Supply defends its campaign, on the grounds that the picture has a clear humoristic and absurd character. The Code of Conduct Commission agrees. Using a (scantily dressed) woman in commercials is not impermissible per se. It is obvious that this is a staged image. Furthermore, it is not clear how the men ended up her breasts, what they are doing and how they experience it. The pose of the woman is independent of the men on her body. The absurd character of the image excludes a realistic situation of abuse of the female body. Therefore, the complaints are being rejected. (Source image; outdoor campaign Suit Supply)