About Advertising law

Articles about advertising, trademark infringement or parody, freedom of speach, portrait rights and the Dutch advertising regulation Commission.

Rituals vs. The Body Shop: Battle of the Brands

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Advertising law

Sustainability claims in advertisement

Sustainability claims in advertisement

More and more people are concerned about what the world will look like in the future. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for consumers and influences their purchasing behaviour, choosing particular

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Beer drinking toddlers

Beer drinking toddlers

Misleading advertising is found all over the world. It often concerns use of words, but the deception can also involve matching packaging. Sometimes unexpected parties com to the rescue. Choc

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Among others in this issue:
• EUIPO vs Mora TV: weigering geluidsmerk
• Jägermeister vs Alte Heiler: stop Russische copycat
• Stichting Nederlandse Top 40: gericht op Benelux?
• Tijdschrift HART vs Hermitage: soortgelijkheid
• Monique Granneman: nieuwe partner Abcor

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